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My father received a reply letter dated July 10, 1961 from Masutatsu Oyama. He was requesting information for the Japan Karate Association. He was looking for information about Katas. Mas Oyama informs him that he is not a member of the JKA but has his own club, Kyokushinkai.

Mas Oyama letter dated July 10, 1961 page 1 Mas Oyama letter dated July 10, 1961 page 2

Mas Oyama envelope dated July 10, 1961


My father received his Shodan (1st degree Black Belt) in Kyokushinkai Karate from Mas Oyama on September 1, 1961.

Above is a rare signed photograph of Mas Oyama and Ikki Kajiwara. Ikki Kajiwara (1936-1987) was a famous author, manga writer and film producer. Ikki Kajiwara wrote the famous 1971 manga, Karate Baka Ichidai about the legendary Karate master Mas Oyama.

Here are two rare signed photo's from Robert Trias.

Here is my father's United States Karate Association Certificate of Rank from Robert Trias.

Here is a rare brochure from the first World Karate Tournament held in Chicago Illinois on July 28, 1963.The martial artist on the cover is John T. Keehan later known as Counte Dante. My father was his first Karate instructor.

World Karate Tournament brochure July 28, 1963

My father was one of the original committee members.

Here is a rare signed photo from Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura. Kaicho Nakamura was a very good friend of my father during the early days of Kyokushinkai Karate. Together they attended the Kyokushinkai Hombu dojo opening in Japan in the 1960's. Kaicho Nakamura created Seido Karate in 1976.

Kaicho Nakamura signed photo dated September 5, 1968

My father(third from left), Kaicho Nakamura and several unknown individuals standing at the newly completed Budokan Building

My father (on right) and Kaicho Nakamura standing at the newly completed Budokan Building

My father(on right side) and Kaicho Nakamura at  the Mei Gi Shrine Park 1964

In March of 1968 my fathers good friend Paul H. Compton, Editor of Karate and Oriental Arts magazine writes an article about my fathers many accomplishments for his magazine in the March/April issue in 1968.

Here is my father's overseas membership card for Kyokushinkai Karate signed by Mas Oyama.


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