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Ryuho Okuyama signed photo

Above is a very early 1950's rare signed photo by Ryuho Okuyama given to my father. Born on February 21, 1902, Ryuho Okuyama studied long and hard in many traditional martial arts of Japan including Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu (under Hosaku Matsuda and Sokaku Takeda), Seigoryu Jujutsu, Hasegawakoryu Kenjutsu, Nito Ryu Kenjutsu, Sojutsu, Jojutsu, Kyujutsu, shurikenjutsu and others.
Okuyama was an instructor of Daito Ryu Aikjujtusu until 1939 when he combined his knowledge and experience of martial arts with healing arts and founded Hakko Ryu Ju-jutsu on June 1, 1940. The organization was called Dai Nihon Shido-Kai. In February 1943 they moved to Kanda (Tokyo) and the organization was now called Hakko Ryu Kobujuku. In 1945 they moved to the foot of the mountain Haguro. Hakko Ryu was so named by Okuyama from the Japanese characters HA which translated means: Eighth and KO which means light. The oriental believes that the sun emits eight bands of light, (similar to the spectrum of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). They believed that an eighth band of light also existed, which was very weak. In as much as Okuyama purposely taught the casting away of all strength when in combat, it was felt that Hakko Ryu covered his style of in fighting quite appropriately as so developed the name and style of Hakko Ryu Ju-jutsu. 

The Hakko Ryu Symbol

The circular symbol of Hakko Ryu and the HMAF was the crest of the Samurai General. The four diamonds are representative of the four eyes looking north, south, east and west. The Samurai was always prepared for attacks from all directions.  

Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine Cover dated 1957

Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 2-3 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 4-5 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 6-7 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 8-9

Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 10-11 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 12-13 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 14-15 Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 16-17

Goshin do Hakko Ryu Magazine 1957 page 18-19

Above rare booklet is entitled Goshin do Hakko Ryu Number 1 and is the very first issue of this magazine. The Art of Self-Defense Hakko Ryu Style. This was a booklet printed on November 25, 1957 and published December 1, 1957 by the Headquarters of Hakko Ryu. The author was Yoshiharu Okuyama.

Above rare booklet is entitled Goshin do Number 8 and 9. The Art of Self-Defense Hakko Ryu Style. This was a booklet published in 1959 by the Headquarters of Hakko Ryu. The author was Yoshiharu Okuyama.

Above rare booklet is entitled Goshin do Number 26. The Art of Self-Defense Hakko Ryu Style. This was a booklet published 1962 by the Headquarters of Hakko Ryu. The author was Yoshiharu Okuyama.

Above rare booklet is entitled Goshin do Number 61. The Art of Self-Defense Hakko Ryu Style. This was a booklet published February 25, 1969 by the Headquarters of Hakko Ryu. The author was Yoshiharu Okuyama.

Above rare booklet is entitled Goshin do Number 66. The Art of Self-Defense Hakko Ryu Style. This was a booklet published April 15, 1970 by the Headquarters of Hakko Ryu. The author was Yoshiharu Okuyama.

Above is a rare book entitled Hakko Ryu Jujitsu 18 Self Defense Techniques.  Published by the Hakko Ryu Honbu dojo this book includes some historical photos and line drawing detailing some of the school's basic self defense techniques. The book is dated 1986.

Above rare booklet is the basic text for beginning students of Hakko Ryu. It was published by James A. Benko (Shihan-Kaiden). The aim of this brief introductory booklet on Hakko Ryu Ju Jitsu was to provoke an interest in the reader to learn more about this particular system of self-defense. This was used as a text for beginning students.

Above rare booklet is the instructor's guide for Hakko-Ryu. It was published by James A. Benko (Shihan-Kaiden). The aim of this booklet on Hakko Ryu Ju Jitsu was to provide guidelines for promotions, testing, membership and diploma prices etc. My father was the assistant director to James Benko and a Yondan in 1970.

Below is an article on Hakko Ryu Jiu Jitsu written by James Benko from the 1960's.


Here are some pictures of my father demonstrating Hakko Ryu techniques in the 1950's.

Here is my father's Hakko Ryu Membership card designating his rank as Yon Dan.

Here is a rare H.M.A.F patch from the early 1960's.

I would like to leave you with the memory of the three main principles of Hakko-Ryu Ju Jitsu. Do not resist, challenge one another and there will be no injury.


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